Business Ideas 2016 (Lugano, USI)

Research Service

Start date: 14 April 2016

End date: 15 April 2016

Business Ideas is an event organized by USI, SUPSI and CP-Startup; part of the federal program CTI Entrepreneurship supported by the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI/KTI). This Event is a half-day training course focused on Entrepreneurship and exclusively open to university and university of applied science students.

The 2016 Edition will be held the 14th April 2016 at Aula Magna USI (Via G. Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano).

The course will provide the participants with the possibility to meet entrepreneurs and with the chance, for those who desire, to expose their own entrepreneurial idea through an elevator pitch.

Students with an interesting idea who want to pitch it, should declare it in the inscription form. The submitted proposals will be evaluated by the organizers and the selected candidates will have a few minutes to synthetically expose their idea and to convince the examination board. The best idea will be awarded and feedbacks will be provided to everyone for continuing the project.

It is compulsory to enroll in the event registering by the 31th March at the latest through the following link: