«That branch of the lake of Como...»
Institutional Communication Service
18 September 2017
Following the five lecturae Dantis on the Divine Commedy, the Institute of Italian Studies at USI continues with a series of public readings dedicated to Alessandro Manzoni, with the title «Quel ramo del lago di Como…» Lettura de I promessi sposi.
A successful but not always appreciated novel, often trivialized by idle reading habits, The Betrothed is, in fact, a story of extraordinary modernity, which led Manzoni to establish his work among the great masterpieces of European literature of the early nineteenth century.
The series started on September 27, at 6pm in the Lugano campus Auditorium, with a lecture held by Salvatore Nigro, with the title “I romanzi di Alessandro Manzoni”.
The complete program is available at: https://isi.usi.ch/eventi-notizie/cicli-conferenze/lettura-manzoniana-i