New paradigms in the financial industry
Career Service
Date: 9 April 2018 / 10:00 - 12:00
Auditorium, USI Lugano campus
In the current context, the information available to establish economic and financial forecasts may appear insufficient. Nevertheless, this information can be effective if certain analytical criteria are applied to it, that are valid both in macroeconomic and asset management terms.
The conference "New paradigms in the financial industry: the trade-off of knowledge" will see Prof. Dr. Klaus Wellershoff, co-founder of Zwei Wealth Experts AG, former Chief Economist of UBS and Professor of Economics at the University of St. Gallen, discuss these issues also in relation to his recently published book "Plädoyer für eine bescheidenere Ökonomie. Über Wissen und Nichtwissen in der Finanzindustrie" (Plea for a more modest economy. About knowledge and ignorance in the financial industry).
10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:30 Presentation and discussion with Prof.Dr. Klaus Wellershoff
12:00 Closing
The conference will be held in English and Italian.
Free admittance, participation is subject to email notification at: [email protected]