28th Summer School in Social Science Methods 8-30 August 2024

Group of summer school participants at the Networking Apèro at Lido di Lugano

The dates for the 28th edition of the Summer School have now been confirmed - we expect you in Lugano and online between 8-30 August 2024. The programme has been revised and the registration for the Summer School is now open!


The Summer School in Social Science Methods has been conceived for those who feel the need to refresh, deepen and widen their methodological knowledge and skills, whatever their professional situation: student, researcher or practitioner. This year, once again, we are looking forward to welcoming you for two weeks of learning in August at the beautiful campus of Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano! You can join one of our four preliminary workshops and one, two or three of the 22 one-week intensive, immersive courses on qualitative, quantitative and hybrid methods in social sciences or cross-methods and transversal skills courses.

In addition to the rich academic programme, the School also offers a vibrant social programme to help participants connect with each other and experience the best of Lugano. This includes a welcome coffee talk, Summer School Dinner, excursions to local attractions and opportunities to socialise with fellow students and faculty. The social programme is designed to foster a sense of community and make the Summer School experience even more rewarding.


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What the participants said about the last Summer School:

Extend your research network

"Summer School experience is a great opportunity to extend your research network, to exchange your research ideas and to get better knowledge of the research methods you can use in your research project.”


A work intensive week

“A very work intensive week with complex tasks and with nice colleagues in the most beautiful town of Switzerland.”

Excellent instructors and friendly atmosphere

“Excellent instructor, both competent and enthusiastic. Good group size. Friendly atmosphere.”

We're excited to announce an expansion of the Summer School in Social Science Methods, offering a dedicated program for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in collaboration with the IMCA institute at USI. The Doctoral School ‘Socio-Cultural Approaches in Business Studies: Theoretical Foundations and Theory-Building’.

Program Highlights:

  • Foundational Courses: Gain in-depth knowledge through a series of courses, each focusing on a key theoretical approach in socio-cultural business studies.
  • Readings & Case Studies: Delve into key founding texts and influential domain-specific texts to understand how theoretical approaches have been applied in marketing and organization studies.
  • Immersive Workshop: Participate in a one-week workshop within the Summer School that provides practical teaching on enhancing theoretical contributions in your research papers.

Registrations for the first course in Interpretivism and Sensemaking are now open. To find out more, visit the dedicated webpages here.



The Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society at USI is a proud partner institution of the Methods Excellence Network (MethodsNET), which endorses our Summer School. Visit the MethodsNET “events” page to discover other useful training events!


Business Ideas 2024

Academy of Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano