About the Summer School in Social Science Methods

The Summer School is organised by the Insitute of Communication and Public Policy, Università della Svizzera italiana in close cooperation with FORS, the Swiss Foundation for social science research. Every year, it offers several full-time workshops in two weekly sessions (second half of August).

Participants are PhD students, junior and senior researchers and practitioners from Switzerland and other countries working in a wide range of scientific disciplines: Psychology, Educational, Business Studies, Communication, Political Science, Sociology, Health Sciences, and many others.

All workshops are oriented towards practical applications and spend roughly half of their time on applied work and exercises. There is ample time to discuss and try to solve problems related to the work and research projects of the participants with instructors and fellow participants. Whenever possible, participants are strongly encouraged to work on their own data and research problems to get the most out of the Summer School experience.

Instructors are renowned specialists and experienced and enthusiastic teachers in their respective fields, and they will organise their courses in order to optimise opportunities for practical help and advice during the workshops.

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