1st International Student Chapters - IRAN @ USI
Career Service
Date: 3 December 2018 / 17:30 - 19:30
To leverage the internationality of the University and to improve international student's experience @USI, we have created, in analogy and continuity with the alumni chapters, International Student Chapters - a meeting opportunity for international students @USI with the same nationality.
Through the International Student Chapters (at the moment there are students from over 90 different countries), USI seeks to promote networking between students and graduates from the same country and enrich – following the medieval tradition of student nations - the experience of international students at USI. It also aims to promote integration with the Alumni Chapters in the world, also for job placement purposes.
The first International Student Chapters will be dedicated to students from Iran: today there are 21 students @USI and 63 USI Alumni from Iran.
The event will be on the 3rd of Demeber 2018 from 6.00 PM @ USI, room 321.
To join the event please send an email to: [email protected]