Share your experience of online study through #USIeLearning
Institutional Communication Service
23 March 2020
Only you can tell us how university lectures are entering your homes. To stay close even if faraway, USI invites students, academics and staff to share photographs and videos about the learning and teaching experience in eLearning mode.
Images posted on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok) and tagged with #USIeLearning will shared on USI channels.
We also invite you to mention/tag USI official social media profiles:
- FB @usiuniversity
- TW @USI_university / @USI_en
- Instagram @usiuniversity
- LinkedIn @USI Università della Svizzera italiana
- Tik Tok: just use the hashtag #USIeLearning, without mentioning an USI official social media profile
The best ones will be selected at the end of each week. Those who have published the best posts will receive USI gadgets, by mail, at home. The likes received on a photo on social media will be taken into consideration, but not only. The jury is composed of the Pro-Rector for Education and Student's experience, a member of the Institutional Communication Service and a member of the eLab.
The selection of the best posts will be held every Friday at 12 noon, until after Easter. Students enrolled at USI and members of the academic community, including staff, can participate in this initiative - which aims to keep the USI community united in this delicate time and to share "good practices" of study, teaching and work.