Coronavirus: SNSF updates

Research Service

1 April 2020

1. Extending projects

Researchers whose project ends before 31 December 2020 will get a cost-neutral extension of a maximum of six months.

If there isn’t enough money left for the extension period, you may apply for an extension grant - provided the project cannot be completed in the context of another SNSF project. For the time being, extension grants will last for up to two months.

Please, contact Mr. Milan Savic in order to prepare the request.

2. Scientific and financial report submition

The SNSF can extend the deadline for a maximum of two months.

3. Events/meetings

It is up to the organisers of the events to decide whether they want to cancel or postpone the event or if they prefer to continue as planned. From our side we are supporting all options that help to ensure the implementation of the event (including support for remote events or flexibility about the postponement of the events).

If a meeting/event is cancelled because the Covid-19 pandemic, The SNSF will cover the participation costs and the cost of organising the meeting/event, provided the participant is not reimbursed for these expenses by a third party (organiser, airline, hotel or other) or if they are not covered by the travel insurance. 

Holding a meeting/event at a later stage is possible as long as the new date lies within the funding period for the approved grant.


For further information, please read the official website or contact Ms. Dafne Pedrazzoli.