Speakers' Corer: A Digital Tourism Strategy for the Brissago Islands


Institutional Communication Service

28 March 2022

When it comes to tourism experiences and digitalisation, it might seem that there is a paradox between these two terms as travel is one of the few aspects of our lives that still requires physical presence. Travel restrictions due to Covid-19 have also shown people's strong need and willingness to travel and visit places in the non-virtual world. USI student Giulia Operti's research explores the issue of the balance of the digital and the physical in tourism experiences through the design of a new format based on three key elements: augmented reality, storytelling and playfulness. The project has been applied to the practical case of the Brissago Islands on Lake Maggiore.  

Want to know more? Watch the video!  


The 2nd Speakers' Corner project was held in 2021 at LAC Lugano during the Swiss Digital Days. In this series of short videos, students talk about the projects they developed for the event. Speakers' Corner is a project promoted by the City of Lugano and the urban laboratory Lugano Living Lab. USI took part in the event, together with other universities in Southern Switzerland. The initiative stems from the desire to promote concrete projects to raise awareness of digital issues by enhancing the skills in the region.



Giulia Operti, A digital tourism strategy for Brissago Islands Università della Svizzera italiana

