New appointments at the top of three USI Faculties
Institutional Communication Service
3 May 2023
In the past few weeks, elections took place in three USI Faculties for their respective heads, who will begin their new terms of office in the next academic year for the two-year term 2023-2025. Walter Angonese was reconfirmed as Director of the Academy of Architecture, Marc Langheinrich was re-elected Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Giovanni Pica was appointed as the new Dean of the Faculty of Economics and will succeed Prof. Gianluca Colombo, who has come to the end of two non-renewable two-year terms.
The Council of the Academy of Architecture reconfirmed Prof. Walter Angonese as Director. It is worth remembering that at the Academy of Architecture, the governing body - which in the other Faculties of USI is called the Dean's Office - is called the office of directors. It is made up of the Director Walter Angonese, two Vice-Directors for Research (Daniela Mondini and Jonathan Sergison), the office of directors Coordinator Marco Della Torre, the Administrator Antoine Turner and the previous Director Riccardo Blumer. They direct and administer the Faculty, implementing the decisions taken by the Faculty Council, the Board of Professors and the Rectorate.
The Faculty of Informatics Council re-appointed Prof. Marc Langheinrich for a second two-year term as Dean. Two Vice-Deans will join him in the new two-year term: Prof. Ernst Wit and Prof. Carlo A. Furia.
The Faculty of Economics Council elected Prof. Giovanni Pica as the new Dean for the two-year term 2023-2025. Two Vice-Deans will join him: Prof. Massimo Filippini and Prof. Laurent Frésard (Deputy Vice-Dean). The new heads of the Faculty will take office on 1 September 2023, succeeding Prof. Gianluca Colombo, Dean for the past four years, to whom USI expresses its gratitude for his great work.
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