Science and technology, closer collaboration between USI and RSI


Institutional Communication Service

16 October 2023

Università della Svizzera italiana and Radiotelevisione svizzera have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in areas such as artificial intelligence applied to media.

The ten-year agreement aims to facilitate collaborations between USI and RSI, allowing for the sharing of their respective competencies in the pursuit of scientific goals, as well as the application and development of acquired knowledge.

The memorandum outlines a number of areas of collaboration: basic and applied research in science and technology; research and development in media and new technologies, with a focus on artificial intelligence; and training and development of human resources. Activities under the memorandum include joint research and development projects, technical meetings, scientific conferences, and the secondment of students.

Two contact persons were appointed to implement the memorandum and coordinate the initiatives: for USI, Professor Luca Maria Gambardella, Pro-Rector for innovation and corporate relations; for RSI, Massimiliano Babbucci, Head of Digital Innovation.

