Running and voting for the elected bodies of the Corporation

Within the Corporation structure, the bodies that are wholly or partially elected are:

  • the Student Council (wholly elected);
  • the Extended Council (partially elected).


Student Council

The Student Council is the Corporation's guiding body or "government". The members of the Student Council are the student body representatives in the Academic Senate.

Students therefore run for the Student Council and elect the Student Council members through the elections valid for the Academic Senate of USI, which are open to all students regularly enrolled in USI Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

For further information on elections to the Academic Senate, please see the official University communications and consult the platform


Extended Council

The bodies of the Corporation also include the Extended Council, an advisory body whose members include the student representatives in the Faculty Councils.

Students therefore run for the Extended Council and elect the student representatives of the Extended Council through the elections valid for choosing the student representatives in the Faculty Councils.

For further information, see the rules established by each Faculty.