Simone Gabbriellini

Simone Gabbriellini, PhD in Sociology, is a Computational Social Scientist and Data Scientist with more than 15 years of experience in agent-based modelling and social network analysis. He has been post-doc fellow at the University of Trento, and developed models for academic and business teams worldwide, including New York University, Stanford University, Columbia University, and Université Paris-Sorbonne.

As an entrepreneur, he co-founded DocDelta, a digital healthcare startup based in New York City, USA, and Manent.AI, a start-up focused on AI, ML, agent-based simulations and software development, based in Pisa.

He is one of the faculty members of the Behave Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling (University of Milan) since 10 years now, and has published articles in journals such as AI Communications, Revue Française de Sociologie, and Journal of Archaeological Methods and Theory. He is the author of the book Simulare meccanismi sociali con NetLogo (FrancoAngeli, 2010), the first book teaching NetLogo concepts to the Italian reader.