Quality assurance at USI
USI manages a coherent quality assurance system through specific activities of its Quality assurance service.
A quality assurance system contributes to the continuous improvement of the level of teaching, research and administrative services - the three pillars on which the "university building" rests. It is a necessary tool to support the development of the academic activities and brings greater transparency and trust among people active in and around the institution.
These activities relate to:
- the promotion of a "quality culture" shared and adopted by the entire USI community collaborating with the Academic Senate and its Quality culture commission (CCQ);
- the participation in the processes related to the institutional accreditation collaborating with the Swiss Accreditation Council and swissuniversities;
- the constant contact with the Swiss agency of accreditation and quality assurance (aaq) and the participation in the Swiss quality control networks;
- the development and management of a new quality assurance system connected to the definition, mapping and monitoring of USI macroprocesses and processes;
- the management and support to the self-assessment of the processes drawn up by their responsibles;
- the consultancy to the Quality culture commission for the continuous and regular analysis of USI processes;
- the consultancy to the Accreditation commission of the University Council.
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Internal guidelines for the quality assurance
The internal guidelines for the quality assurance at the Università della Svizzera italiana are available at the following links:
Mapping, support for the analysis and the optimization of USI processes
The systematic work of mapping USI processes, which began in January 2019, makes use of the ADONIS online platform accessible using the following link Processi USI (all processes are available in Italian only) with institutional credentials. Once approved, the process will be self-assessed by the respective owner and evaluated by the appropriate commission of the Academic Senate. Subsequently, the process optimization procedure will be activated in agreement with the commission and the owner of the process.
Below, there are listed some useful resources:
- Guide to the use of the ADONIS platform (in Italian)
- Guide to the validation of USI processes (in Italian)
- Self-assessment questionnaire of USI processes (in Italian)
- Reference framework of USI macroprocesses (in Italian)
- State of mapping, validation and self-assessment of USI processes (July 2021, in Italian)
Istitutional accreditation
The guide for the institutional accreditation, created by the Swiss agency of accreditation and quality assurance (aaq), is available at the following link:
Quality Audit
The final reports of the Swiss agency for accreditation and quality assurance (aaq), resulting from the federal Quality Audits carried out to evaluate the internal quality assurance system at USI, are available at the following links: