Support to OSA for the organisation of the inaugural conference of a new series focusing on alternative points of view on architecture
Student Corporation
19 March 2020
Decision nr. D-0320-08
The Student Council, at its meeting of 17 March 2020, has decided to support with the amount of 400 CHF a proposal submitted by the Students’ Organisation of the Academy, the umbrella organisation of the students at the Academy of Architecture. The proposal entails the organisation of the inaugural conference related to a new series aimed at exposing students to a more informal point of view on architectural issues. The amount is intended to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for guest speakers and those for the social moment (aperitif) at the end of the conference. The Student Council supports the project, among other reasons, for its interest and educational and cultural value, its contribution to plurality, and the "identity" role that OSA conferences play in university life.
Further information is currently available only in Italian. A rough translation into English will be provided upon request ([email protected]), in particular to those who are considering opposing the decision through a Student Referendum.
Deadline for Student Referendum
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is April 2, 2020.