6th Long Night of Careers @ USI 2020
Career Service
Date: 19 November 2020 / 18:00 - 21:00
6th Edition Long Night of Careers @ USI 2020
- 19.11.2020: Special Edition ONLINE
Description: annual national event with a varied and interactive career related programme for all students and Alumni of Swiss universities including Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral students.
Objective: meet potential employers, forging contacts and honing your candidature skills, gather ideas and suggestions for your professional future.
Organized by: the Career Service in partnership with employers, professionals, alumni and professors.
Date: November 19, 2020
- 17.45-18.00: Welcome remarks by the Rector, Prof. Boas Erez, to the participating companies: USI today and tomorrow and the importance of strong ties between the University and companies
- 18.00-21.00: Company presentations/workshops of 60 min duration in one of the following time slots:
- company presentation on career opportunities and development or on specific topics (we suggest an interactive format involving 2/3 company representatives with different roles/seniority in order to best introduce your business).
- Platform: Microsoft Teams. All students will pre-register and you’ll be able to see their CVs in advance. Following the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to collect their applications.
For further information: Long Night of Careers @ USI