Credit Suisse presentation: "COVID-19: an overview into the management of the crisis from a bank perspective"
Career Service
Date: 1 December 2020 / 18:00 - 19:00
The Career Service is glad to invite you to:
Credit Suisse presentation: "COVID-19: an overview into the management of the crisis from a bank perspective"
The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to reassess their approach to remote work, meaning expanding their established capabilities or starting a program just out of necessity.
What are the needs and ramifications of this new reality, from technology to legal to culture?
What will this mean for the future of remote work, even as the coronavirus pandemic abates?
This virtual panel discussion - introduced by Prof. Mancini, Faculty of Economics, USI and moderated by Gabriela Cotti Musio (Head Media Relations Ticino) - will bring together Serena Fioravanti (Chief Risk Officer CS CH AG/SUB and Head Treasury & Liquidity Risk) and Marzio Grassi (Market Head Ticino) to address the COVID-19 challenges.
Introduced by:
- Prof. Loriano Mancini, Prof. Faculty of Economics, USI
- Serena Fioravanti, Chief Risk Officer CS CH AG/SUB and Head Treasury & Liquidity Risk
- Gabriela Cotti Musio, Head Media Relations Ticino
- Marzio Grassi, Market Head Ticino
Date: Tuesday, 1st December 2020, from 18.00 to 19.00
To register - by Monday, November 30 – noon. :