Support to riOSA for realising the Workshop "self construction of a multifunctional space" and the creation of a "mobile sauna".

Student Corporation

31 March 2022

Decision D-0322-07 
The Student Council, at its meeting of 29 March 2022, has decided to support with the amount of 3'174CHF a proposal submitted by the student association riOSA, a chapter of the Students’ Organisation of the Academy active in designing and implementing solutions to promote sustainability on campuses with a special focus on the concept of recicling and re-using. The proposal involves the design and implementation of two projects - a multifuncional space (project specifications still to be defined) and a "transportable" sauna. For more information contact: [email protected] 

Decision procedure
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The credit corresponds to the request made by the association.

Deadline for Student Referendum
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is14 April 2022