D-0323-05 - Support to the association AIESEC Lugano for the proposals "Induction day" and "Movie Night"

Student Corporation

2 March 2023

Decision No: D-0323-05

At its sitting on 28 February, the Student Council has decided to support with a total amount of 1100 CHF two proposals submitted by the student association AIESEC Lugano:

Induction day
The event allows new AIESEC members to understand the main values and the structure of the organization. It consists of various explanations and activities that will allow the members to be aware of the organization’s dynamics, increasing their confidence when carrying out the various activities associated with the roles they occupy within it. The budget is intended for snacks and drinks to be offered at the event and merchandise.
Budget requested: CHF 600

Movie Night
The movie night will be an event focused on one of the current social issues characterizing our society. The movie night aims to improve the general knowledge of the participants while having a good time and having the possibility of meeting new people. The budget is intended for snacks and drinks to be offered at the event and set-up costs.
Budget requested: CHF 2045, approved CHF 500

Decision procedure
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The partial credit of CHF 1100, will be made available in the form defined in concert with the University when the actual expenses associated with the project are needed.

For more detailed information please contact: [email protected]

Deadline for the Student referendum 
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is 16 March.