Support for the organization of a theater workshop to Il Letterificio and AGORÀ - pastorale universitaria

Student Corporation

13 October 2021

Decision No D-0921-02

At its last sitting of 12 October 2021, the Student Council has decided to support with the amount of 2500CHF a proposal submitted by the student association Il Letterificio in collaboration with the student association AGORÀ - Pastorale Universitaria.

To carry on last year’s experience of the theatre workshop "LACritica", and thanks to the positive feedback. The associations want to propose a new workshop to the improvisational theatre"the body on stage”, lead by Giovanni Ortoleva (author and graduate from Paolo Grassi, winner of the Supernova prize in 2019 and participant at the recent Venice Biennale theatre).

The workshop is open to all students and it is intended also for beginners (there will be no final performance open to the public nor specific preliminary skills are request). The laboratory will launch in February 2022 and will last three months. The lessons will be held at USI West Campus Lugano.

Details of the Decision

The student council supports the project for its educational, artistic and expressive value. Furthermore, the project fosters the engagement between students of different faculties, promoting personal and social skills such as self-expression, self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, the project is in line with the Corporation objectives of promoting the well-being and, thus, the intellectual and human growth of the student community.

Decision procedure
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The credit corresponds to the request made by the association and will cover the director's fee including the cost of room and board. Said credit will be made available in the form defined in concert with the University when the actual expenses associated with the project are needed.

The proponents are required to report regularly on the workshop to the student council and create a final video at the end of the workshop to be shared with the USI student community.    

Deadline for Student Referendum
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is 27 October 2021.