Support to Miluniti for the conference: La Svizzera e la cooperazione internazionale

Student Corporation

31 March 2022

Decision No: D-0322-03

At its sitting on 28 March, the Student Council has decided to support with 1885.00 CHF a proposal submitted by the student association MilUniTi. The conference “La Svizzera e la cooperazione internazionale” is about international cooperation and is moderated by Prof. Giancarlo Dillena featuring speakers in different fields of expertise. The event aims at raising awareness about the strategic importance of international relations at a national level and in different areas, especially in the current international political situation. The event will be an excellent opportunity for discussion among the students of all faculties and to ask questions to experts in this field, as well as discover new career opportunities. For more informations please contact [email protected]

Details of the decision
The Student Council supports the project in line with the Corporation's aim to support the initiatives of the Student Associations.

The proponent Association has been invited to manage to reduce the original budget quota on the charge of the Corporation.

Decision procedure 
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The requested credit has been adjusted and will be made available in the form defined in concert with the University when the actual expenses associated with the project are needed.

Deadline for the Student referendum
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is 14 April 2022