D-0323-13 - Support to Ratio for the organization of the event on philosophical reflection "Abisso e Stelle Stesso Foco Chiama"

Student Corporation

16 March 2023

Decision No: D-0323-13

At its sitting on 14 March, the Student Council has decided to support with 600 CHF a proposal submitted by the student association Ratio for the organisation of the event on philosophical reflection “Abisso e Stelle Stesso Foco Chiama” featuring the participation of the authors of the book of verse “Le Tribolazioni Del Filosofare”, Prof. Achille Varzi e Prof. Claudio Calosi. A post-lecture apéro will be offered for a meeting with the public, teachers and students. The budget is intended for the post-lecture apéro.

Decision procedure
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The credit corresponds to the request made by the association and it will be made available in the form defined in concert with the University when the actual expenses associated with the project are needed.

For more detailed information please contact: [email protected]

Deadline for the Student referendum 
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is 30 March.