Double interview: Prof. Massimo Cerulo (University of Perugia) and Prof. Gabriele Balbi (USI, Faculty of Communication Sciences)

Prof. Gabriele Balbi (left) and prof. Massimo Cerulo (right)
Prof. Gabriele Balbi (left) and prof. Massimo Cerulo (right)

International Relations and Study abroad Service

15 April 2016

Enjoy the double interview of Prof. Massimo Cerulo and Prof. Gabriele Balbi. The two colleagues decided to take advantage of the opportunity offered by the SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Programme). Prof. Cerulo from University of Perugia came to USI to spend 3 days (March 14-16) in the framework of the staff mobility for teaching scheme.

Thank you Prof. Massimo Cerulo and Prof. Gabriele Balbi for accepting to share with us and our readers your insights. Could you please introduce yourselves in a few words?

Cerulo: ”I’m Assistant Professor in Sociology at University of Perugia. In the Department of Political Sciences. I’m member in the PhD committee’s board. I’m also visiting researcher at University of Paris V “René Descartes”. My main areas of interests are sociology of emotions and history of the sociological thought. I wrote seven books, several book chapters and articles for scientific journals on these topics. My last book is Maschere quotidiane. La manifestazione delle emozioni dei giovani contemporanei (Rubbettino 2015).

Balbi: “I’m Assistant Professor in Media Studies at the Institute of Media and Journalism (USI). In the Faculty of Communication Sciences, I’m Vice and Study Dean, Codirector of the Chinese Media Observatory, member in the PhD committee’s board, responsible of “communication and media” minor at BA level. My main areas of interests are media history and history of telecommunications. I wrote four books, several book chapters and articles for scientific journals on these topics. My last book is Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità (with Paolo Magaudda, Laterza 2014).

What did you learn thanks to the teaching staff mobility programme?

“We did learn the virtue of the comparison about teaching techniques and the lesson methodology.”

What do you both think is the added value of doing such an experience?

Cerulo: “Exchanging research perspectives about our studies and increasing own teaching knowledge about the lessons in BA courses and in the post- graduate seminars.”

Balbi: “Building contacts with Italian universities and strong faculties in communication sciences, providing BA students at USI with fresh and insightful teachings about sociology of communication, creating new and strong relationships in order to launch new research projects.”

Would you recommend your colleagues to do a similar experience, and why?

“We strongly recommend our colleagues to do a similar experience because it is an excellent possibility to know other scientific methodologies, to teach in another language to other students with different backgrounds, to create collaborations with other research groups.”

Prof. Balbi, what were the three highlights of hosting a colleague from a different university?

“New and fresh ideas and research topics. Exposing students with other approaches. Establishing connections and potentially launching new research projects.”

Prof. Cerulo, what were the three highlights of spending three days of teaching at another university?

“Teaching in another language. Academic location. Scientific collaborations and potential participation to other research groups.”





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