Procedures and cooperation agreements templates
In order to promote international cooperation, USI has concluded MoU and educational agreements with numerous universities and other institutions around the world.
The different types of agreements are listed below:
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- Double Degree Agreement
- Joint Degree Agreement
- Structured Exchange Agreement
- Exchange agreements: SEMP (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) or International Exchange Agreement
1. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
This is a legal document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement. It expresses a convergence of interests between the parties and is an agreement of a general nature. It generally does not have the power and binding effects of a contract.
The implementation of activities is specified in specific agreements.
2. Double Degree agreement
This is an agreement that allows students selected within the framework of specific programmes, developed in collaboration with specific partner universities, to obtain, together with their USI degree, a degree from a foreign university.
3. Joint degree agreement
This is an agreement that enables students selected as part of specific programmes, developed in collaboration with certain partner universities, to obtain a degree jointly awarded by USI and the partner university.
4. Structured exchange agreement
This is an exchange with renowned universities with the aim of developing "dialoguing" training programmes, i.e. designed to achieve full pedagogical integration between the courses provided by the two universities.
5. Exchange agreements
Thanks to these agreements, students have the opportunity to attend courses for a semester or an entire academic year at a partner university, with recognition of the exams taken and the teaching activities carried out abroad, as agreed before departure.
Two types of mobility for study purposes can be distinguished:
i. mobility within the framework of the SEMP programme;
ii. mobility within the framework of bilateral agreements with non-European universities.
For type i) mobility, the agreement template is imposed; type ii) mobility, on the other hand, must be regulated within bilateral agreements.
Here you can find the description of the procedures to follow in order to enter into bilateral agreements: procedures for entering into and renewing MoU and academic agreements.
The bilateral agreement proposal form can be downloaded here.
The International Relations and Study Abroad Service is the main contact for the promoter of the agreement, provides templates and support in drafting and concluding agreements and maintains an archive of original documents.
If interested, please get in touch with the International Relations and Study Abroad Service by e-mail: [email protected].