Artificial Intelligence: new tools for your job search

There are numerous applications for artificial intelligence, such as facilitating job searches and assisting students in creating application portfolios. In this instance, we will examine the functions of Chat GPT.

We suggest you use the potential offered by ChatGPT to search for an internship or job, but we also recommend that you:

  • write comprehensive inquiries that are very specific to your personal situation and to the employer;
  • interact with Chat GPT several times to improve the quality of the output;
  • check and edit ChatGPT output before using it in your application materials;
  • place equal emphasis on preparing your communication skills for the interview.
  • as with any other online service, be careful about sharing sensitive personal data

It's important to remember that Chat GPT is not an authoritative source. The information it provides doesn't reference its source, so we recommend double-checking the content and comparing it with multiple authoritative sources.

What is Chat GPT, and how does it work?

Chat GPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a chatbot based on artificial intelligence. To use Chat GPT, you must first register for free at Once registered, you can use this tool to refine your internship/job search and portfolio creation.

Here are some ways that Chat GPT can assist you in finding an internship or job:

  1. Create your resumé

You can use Chat GPT to create your own resume. All you have to do is input your basic information such as your studies, skills, experience, and future goals. The tool will then generate a customized resume for you automatically.

  1. Create an effective cover letter

Chat GPT can be used to draft an effective and efficient cover letter.

  1. Draw up a list of roles/jobs most in line with your studies

If you want to identify which existing roles are in line with your educational background or in a particular job field, Chat GPT can create a list with a description of what you are looking for.

  1. Draw up a list of "target" companies

Chat GPT, in addition, can help in creating a list of "target" companies based on the student's studies and interests. However, it's important to verify the accuracy of this list by checking the websites of each company. Nevertheless, this can be a useful starting point to identify potential employers that are hiring for the specific role you are seeking and are located in your desired geographic area.

  1. What questions are usually asked in selection interviews? What questions are interesting to ask the recruiters?

An additional helpful feature is the option to make a list of commonly asked interview questions and unique, attention-grabbing questions to ask recruiters. Chat GPT offers a comprehensive list of questions, even including tricky ones, and provides useful advice for preparing for the interview.

So let's use Chat GPT as the basis for building an effective application portfolio, but always pair human intelligence to artificial intelligence!

Useful links:


On the use of artificial intelligence as an aid as a career guidance, our adjunctprofessor - Prof. Dr. sc. ec. Dr. rer. pol. - Edoardo Beretta, just published an article on the California Management Review Insights platform (run by the prestigious California Management Review of the University of California - Berkeley) that we suggest to read: The Post-COVID-19 Job Market: AI in Recruitment and Career Guidance Service.

Last Update: September 2023