Career Speed Dating with EF Education
Career management workshops: The successful CV with VF International
How to sell Switzerland in the Big Apple
Career management workshops: Talent Management
Career Story Live - USI Alumni: Visiting Alumnus: A job in the US? Meet the Alumnus Francesco Bortoluzzi @ swissnex Boston
Career management workshops: The mock interview with UBS
Career management workshops: The application with Michael Kors
Career management workshops: The assessment with Von Rundstedt
Forum ASG: L'industria italiana e le sfide dell'economia globale
Long Night of Careers @ USI 2017
Career management workshops: My CV is ok?
Google Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Interested in an internship abroad? Discover how to obtain a scholarship and how to apply
Career management workshops: From social media to interpersonal relationships with Fondazione IPT
Career Story Live - USI Alumni: Visiting Alumnus: A job in Supply Chain? Meet the Alumnus Riccardo Latini - Bally
Career management workshops: The successful CV with Ginsana
Career Stories Live - USI Alumni MT @ Tourism Career Lab
Ditelo all'economia
Relevance of philanthropy services in wealth management
EUMaster4HPC symbolic Ceremony
Lugano Philosophy Colloquia. Joshua Babic
cinfo - Insight Day - Explore your opportunities for working in international cooperation.
Arte che cura - Come l'arte cambia il nostro cervello
Città dei Laghi. 2/3_Uno sguardo da Como
IdEP Seminar, Beatrix Eugster - "Ethnic Clustering in Schools and Early Career Outcomes"
Lo spazio delle donne - Anedda e Berlinzani
Towards Facilitative LLM