Projects on equal opportunities
The Equal Opportunities Service elaborates projects, studies or research that treat or integrate aspects of equal opportunities and gender equality. In this page you can see some projects the Service developped with different partners inside or outside USI. The projects are undertaken in order to contribute to spread a culture of equal opportunities.
To evaluate possible collaboration contact the Service.
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Ongoing Projects
SEN-SI. Special Educational Needs – Strategies for Inclusion in Italian-speaking Swiss universities
Equal opportunities and inclusion in education can only be attained when teaching programmes are made fully accessible to students of all disciplines and levels, regardless of their dis/ability, learning disorder, language and cultural backgrounds. The project aims to develop, implement and evaluate a new set of corrective and/or supplementary measures in support of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), introducing innovative teaching methods and technologies open to diversity in Bachelor and Master programmes, in order to ensure a high quality university education and a more inclusive environment for all students.
Partners: USI, SUPSI (co-leading houses)
Running period: 2021-2024
H.I.T. - High Potential University Leaders Identitiy & Skills Training Programme - Gender Sensitive Leaders in Academia
Although women students now represent the majority in many academic disciplines, women professors and women in management positions (e.g. deans, presidents) are still under-represented in Swiss educational institutions, such as universities or research institutes. The H.I.T. project offers a training and education programme for academic managers for 20 professors. The project also provides for the networking of resources and content for the general public.
Partners: Universität Zürich (Leading House), Universität Basel, Universität Bern, Université de Fribourg, Universität St. Gallen, Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne, EPFL, Universität Luzern, Université de Neuchâtel, ETHZ.
Period: 2018-2020 and 2021-2024
Professional Mentoring Programme
Starting from the Fall semester 2020-2021, the Equal Opportunities service, the Career service and the Business and Professional Women association (BPW) offer a Professional Mentoring Programme to women enrolled in the second year of the Master. The six-months programme aims to facilitating the entry of USI female prospective graduates into the job market through targeted and one-to-one counselling with women professionals. The Professional Mentoring Programme responds to one of the strategic goals of the Action Plan for equal opportunities: the overcoming of so-called horizontal segregation, through women's increased access to traditionally male-dominated career paths. More information, including participation criteria and enrollment procedure, are available on the webpage dedicated to the Professional Mentoring Programme.
Partners: USI Career service, BPW association
Period: 2020-2023
Women in Informatics
The "Women in Informatics" project is part of the initiatives provided in the 2017-2020 USI Action Plan for Equal Opportunities that aim to raise awareness and support girls in the conscious choice of MINT degrees. Through a series of actions, we will contribute to deconstruct the collective imagination of technical-scientific professions (with the aim of increasing the enrolment of girls in informatics faculties), motivate the choice of MINT paths with positive models, support the students who attend the USI Faculty of Informatics.
The project continues with several activities envisaged in the Equal Opportunities Action Plan (2021-2024).
Period of development: 2021-2024
Ended Projects
Women in Informatics
The "Women in Informatics" project is part of the initiatives provided in the 2017-2020 USI Action Plan for Equal Opportunities that aim to raise awareness and support girls in the conscious choice of MINT degrees. Through a series of actions, we will contribute to deconstruct the collective imagination of technical-scientific professions (with the aim of increasing the enrolment of girls in informatics faculties), motivate the choice of MINT paths with positive models, support the students who attend the USI Faculty of Informatics.
Period of development: 2017-2020
100 women: They did it! - 100 femmes: Elles l'ont fait! - 100 donne: Loro l'hanno fatto!
The project "100 women: they made it" consists of a communication campaign, made up of public events, publications and digital media, aimed at an audience of all ages, such as school children, adolescents and their families, members of partner institutions and companies. This campaign highlights the career paths of 100 women, among thousands of others, in the regions concerned, with particular attention to professionals working in fields traditionally associated to men. The aim is to break the exceptional status that is still too often associated with these career choices.
Partners: Université de Genève (Leading House), Université de Franche-Comté, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Haute école spécialisée de la Suisse occidentale.
Period: 2018-2020
Premio ERMIZA. Pari opportunità nei media radio e TV della Svizzera italiana
Il Servizio pari opportunità USI ed il Servizio Gender e Diversity SUPSI hanno collaborato con la Commissione consultiva per le pari opportunità del Canton Ticino nell’attribuzione del Premio Ermiza, assegnato, per cinque edizioni, a lavori di informazione e approfondimento realizzati sui media radio e televisivi della Svizzera italiana che meglio rappresentino una visione non stereotipata dei generi e, in generale, del tema della diversità.
Partner: Servizio pari opportunità USI, Servizio Gender e Diversity SUPS, Commissione consultiva per le pari opportunità del Canton Ticino.
Periodo di svolgimento: 2011-2019
Genere, linguaggio e comunicazione istituzionale
Lo studio, commissionato all'Istituto di Argomentazione, Linguistica e Semiotica (IALS) della Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, mirava ad identificare quali pratiche potessero essere adottate nella comunicazione istituzionale USI per favorire un approccio bilanciato al genere partendo dall'analisi di diversi documenti prodotti dall'ateneo nel quinquennio 2010-2014.
Gruppo di lavoro: Arianna Carugati, Sara Greco, Cristina Elia, Marta Zampa e Giovanni Zavaritt.
Periodo di svolgimento: aprile - luglio 2015
Learners voices @ USI – SUPSI
La ricerca Learners Voices@USI-SUPSI mirava a descrivere l'utilizzo delle ICT da parte degli studenti e delle studentesse di USI e SUPSI. I risultati sono riportati nel rapporto di progetto.
Partner: eLab USI-SUPSI, Servizio Gender e Diversity SUPSI
Periodo di svolgimento: settembre 2009 - marzo 2010