Darayus Patel, Post Doc, NTU


Servizio alumni

18 Marzo 2019

Diversi nostri laureati per aiutare gli attuali studenti e neolaureati ad orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro, hanno condiviso la storia della loro carriera. Ecco la storia di Darayus Patel, Post Doctoral Research Fellow alla Nanyang Technological University a Singapore. USI Degree: Master in Embedded Systems Design, 2012.

Come hai iniziato la tua carriera?

As a Product/Test Engineer at STMicroelectronics in France.

Perché hai scelto di lavorare presso la Nanyang Technological University?

Being at NTU provides me an opportunity to work with world renown Professors, research in a domain that closely aligns with my interests whileenjoying  the  benefits  of  excellent  infrastructure  that  supports  myprofessional pursuits and personal well-being.

In cosa consiste il tuo ruolo?

Research  in  the  domain  of  computer  architectures  oriented  towards enabling/optimizing next generation applications.

Quali sono, a tuo parere, le qualità necessarie per fare carriera in Nanyang Technological University?

A willingness to learn & work hard, a keenness to communicate & shareideas as well as a passion for bringing to life your grandest visions.

Quali sono secondo te le caratteristiche/gli aspetti positivi dell'USI?

In my opinion USI provides a very innovative atmosphere which enables the students to be creative. The courses at USI-ALaRI are very interesting and the professors are pioneers in their respective fields. USI offers a great international  environment  where  teamwork  is  put  into  practice.  USI provides students with ample opportunities to gain hands on experience in several state of the art research domains. At USI everything possible is done to make the students life easier: the warm reception, friendly and helpful staff and an academic environment mimicking the challenges of the professional world.

Quali competenze e/o capacità acquisite durante il tuo percorso di studi all’USI sono risultate utili nella tua carriera professionale?

The education I received at USI-ALaRI has helped me a lot to first of all give me an orientation of what I would like to do and has given me the opportunity to put myself at the forefront of cutting edge research. The interdisciplinary approach towards the curriculum allowed me to learn and exchange ideas in different fields. I believe that ALaRI & USI have provided me with a strong foundation to face all the challenges that I might encounter in my professional career.

Cosa potresti suggerire ad un neolaureato USI che deve entrare nel mondo del lavoro?

My advice to USI students entering the job market would be to strive towards the pursuit of excellence in their chosen field. Having an open mind and a willingness to learn new things is essential in today’s ever evolving knowledge society. Being polite patient and ethical are also important qualities that one must possess in order to be successful.