Sara Ruggeri, Social Media & Crisis Communication Manager, Givaudan
Servizio alumni
16 Settembre 2019
Diversi nostri laureati per aiutare gli attuali studenti e neolaureati ad orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro, hanno condiviso la storia della loro carriera. Ecco la storia di Sara Ruggeri, Social Media and Crisis Communication Manager in Givaudan a Ginevra (CH). USI Deree: Master in Marketing, 2010
Come hai iniziato la tua carriera?
I had the great chance to start my career in the Human Resources field as HR Assistant at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
Perché hai scelto di lavorare presso Givaudan?
As I’ve been fascinated by the great experience I had at CERN, I’ve then decided to develop myself in HR at Givaudan, a world renowned Swiss company, global leader in its industry and for this reason an excellent international career opportunity for me.
In cosa consiste il tuo ruolo?
I have joined Givaudan in 2012, initially in the Talent Acquisition department where I designed the Company’s global digital and social media strategy and established Givaudan’s first ever social media presence focusing initially on employer branding and gradually evolving the scope to broader corporate communications. I have then moved to Corporate Communications where I am now responsible for Social Media and Crisis Communication. In my current role I am in charge of the full social media lifecycle, of the Company's social media governance, learning and education activities and I support the Crisis Management team in handling crisis situations, crisis monitoring and crisis preparedness.
Quali sono, a tuo parere, le qualità necessarie per fare carriera in Givaudan?
Have a strong customer focus and a lot of creativity, be determined and results driven and last but not least a fundamental team work spirit and time management ability in order to be able to stick to the deadlines.
Quali sono secondo te le caratteristiche/gli aspetti positivi dell'USI?
USI has some of the best international professors who gave their contribution to the Marketing and Economics’ literature. At USI you have a great multicultural environment with students coming from all over the world, almost like an Erasmus experience. In my opinion the most outstanding aspect is that USI gives you the chance to acquire a deep knowledge about specific subjects, Marketing and Business Strategies in my case, not only from the books, but putting it into practice through several case studies, team works and the most significant one, the Field Project, which allows you to collaborate with a company and this was for me the first step to explore a real working environment.
Quali competenze e/o capacità acquisite durante il tuo percorso di studi all’USI sono risultate utili nella tua carriera professionale?
During my Master at USI I learnt to work in teams, collaborating with people with different cultures and therefore to respect others’ opinions. I acquired also the time management skill, as at USI a lot of multiple team projects had to be developed together and the time to work on them and be ready for the final presentation was really short.
Cosa potresti suggerire ad un neolaureato USI che deve entrare nel mondo del lavoro?
Take advantage of the several internship opportunities that USI offers to its students during their study program and also the Erasmus or International Exchange Program is a great chance to explore new markets. After graduation it’s important to set a long-term career development and then just go straight for it, because only in this way, with a clear target in your
mind, you will not be discouraged once you face some difficulties to achieve what you are looking for.