Paolo Calciati, Research Assistant, IMDEA


Servizio alumni

20 Gennaio 2020

Diversi nostri laureati per aiutare gli attuali studenti e neolaureati ad orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro, hanno condiviso la storia della loro carriera. Ecco la storia di Paolo Calciati, Research Assistant per l'IMDEA Software Institute a Madrid (Spagna). USI Degrees: Master in Software Design, 2011 e Bachelor in Scienze informatiche, 2009.

Come hai iniziato la tua carriera?

After my master I worked 6 months in a startup in Mexico, and then as a consultant at Accenture for almost 3 years, where I was mainly involved in IT projects for Financial Services companies.

Perché hai scelto di lavorare presso l'IMDEA Software Institute?

I wanted to get a more challenging and exciting job, which would also allow me growth opportunities for my future career. I thought a PhD could give me all those perks, together with the possibility of a career in academy and a very good work-life balance.

In cosa consiste il tuo ruolo?

I am a researcher collaborator. My research is focused in understanding how Android applications evolve in their lifecycle. During my period at IMDEA I need to publish various papers presenting the results of the research and finally defend a PhD thesis.

Quali sono, a tuo parere, le qualità necessarie per fare carriera nell'IMDEA Software Institute?

Interest and drive. Doing a PhD is very engaging and fun if the PhD student is really into the topic of his thesis, as it provides the opportunity to work in something you really like.

Quali sono secondo te le caratteristiche/gli aspetti positivi dell'USI?

International environment, team-based approach to study.

Quali competenze e/o capacità acquisite durante il tuo percorso di studi all’USI sono risultate utili nella tua carriera professionale?

The most important thing I learned was how to tackle a challenge or assignment, understand how it can be completed, and work together with a team to complete it. I think the hands-on approach acquired at USI was really helpful in the my career.

Cosa potresti suggerire ad un neolaureato USI che deve entrare nel mondo del lavoro?

Use the first years on the job market to try different things and get as much experience as possible, choosing the workplace according to what you can learn by being there. Once you have defined your career objective, understand what is the best way to get there and go for it!