"Made in Switzerland". The case of Bally - Conversation with Nicolas Girotto, CEO of Bally

Istituto di tecnologie digitali per la comunicazione

Data: 25 Aprile 2022 / 18:30 - 19:30


The image and reputation of a nation can be reflected in its creative industries, which are simultaneously produced and promoted by them. In this context, the fashion industry plays a major role in its links to social customers, art and cultural heritage, and its ability to act as an “ambassador” for a geographical area. T

his public event will investigate the contribution and dynamics of digital communication in the constitution of a national image, with a particular focus on the creative industry of fashion and the qualification of “Made in”. In particular, “Made in Switzerland” will be presented and discussed through the case of Bally, a Swiss iconic luxury fashion house.

Nicolas Girotto, Bally CEO       

Since 2015, Bally’s CEO Nicolas Girotto has been integral in transforming the Swiss luxury brand, first as Chief Operations Officer, and later, in April 2019, as its Chief Executive Officer. Leading a global team of 1,400 employees and an expansive network of more than 300 retail stores from offices headquartered in Caslano, Switzerland and Milan, Italy, Girotto brings integrity, insights and leadership from over 20 years of industry experience in fashion and retail that has lead the company’s turnaround and strategy for growth.

Since 2020, Nicolas is a founding member of the Ticino LifestyleTech Competence Center (LTCC) in Lugano, leading Bally’s active involvement in the Swiss territory by investing in talent and critically encouraging new ways of thinking to enrich business, leveraging innovation and sustainability for the next generation. The LTCC aims to create shared value research to optimize processes and reduce environmental impact within the fashion sector.

Nicolas Girotto is the driving force behind the establishment of the Bally Peak Outlook Foundation and committed to expanding the local arts dedicated Bally Foundation, in the company’s home canton of Ticino. Girotto is an avid cyclist and marathon runner. Born in Agen, France, he is an alumnus of Montesquieu University – Bordeaux IV. Currently, he resides in Lugano, Switzerland with his wife and two daughters.

Entrance is free

For more information and to register: [email protected]

Organized by the Master in: Digital Fashion Communication (www.usi.ch/mdfc)



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