Horizon Europe ERC Information Event

Servizio ricerca e trasferimento del sapere

Data: 15 Dicembre 2020

Participants to this online event will receive a short overview of Horizon Europe, the next and 9th European Research and Innovation Framework Programme due to be launched in 2021 with more than 80 billion EUR of funding available over the next 7 years.

The introduction will be followed by the main part, focusing on the European Research Council funding. Being "investigator-driven", or "bottom-up", in nature, the ERC approach allows researchers to identify new opportunities and directions in any field of research, rather than being led by priorities set by politicians. This ensures that funds are channelled into new and promising areas of research with a greater degree of flexibility.

To close the event there will be break-out sessions with the support services of some Swiss entities. Those participants planning to apply with one of those Swiss entities may register to the corresponding break-out session for a Q&A session on the specifics of applying with that Swiss entity.

Access information to the webinar will be sent to the registered participants in due time.


Register here!