Novartis Foundation for Medical-Biological Research

Servizio ricerca e trasferimento del sapere

Novartis Foundation accepts applications for funding over one year up to a maximum amount of CHF 80’000.00 for:

Research Project Grants (A)

Research Projects to be conducted in Switzerland by members of a Swiss university or research institution.  Applicants must be senior researchers responsible for the research project (PI).

This grant can be used to cover costs in one or several of the three categories, i.e.Associate Salaries, Instrument costs, or Miscellaneous (i.e. Animal Costs, Publication Fees etc.)

Applicants must be senior researchers responsible for the project (PI).
We do not sponsor the applicants own salary. We do not sponsor any overheads. We do not fund projects that include Novartis products.

Fellowship Abroad Grants (B)

Research Fellows at universities or research institutions outside of Switzerland (e.g. postdocs) who have recieved their PhD/MD from a Swiss University.

The Foundation supports cost of living, housing etc. upto CHF 80’000. Research projects at the host university or institution should be funded locally.

The Novartis Foundation for Medical-Biological Research only funds maximally one year of research stays abroad, which are also third party funded. This also applies to extensions of already running projects. We do not fund research fellowships in Switzerland.

Young Investigator Grants (C)

Young researchers (postdoctoral fellows or early stage group leaders) in starting or continuing their first independent research project at a Swiss Institute.

This grant gives applicants the opportunity to write other grants (i.e. SNF) or apply for open group leader positions, while being financially secure.

The applicant's academic age should be less than 8 years post-graduation (without absence due to parental leave, taking care of a sick person etc.)
A support letter signed by the responsible professor / group leader is required, which confirms the independence of the applicant.

For more information, please contact Marcello Triulzio.