Fall Semester Project Presentations 2017
Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche
Data: 21 Dicembre 2017 / 14:00 - 16:00
USI Lugano Campus, Aula Magna (Via G. Buffi 13)
The Faculty of Informatics is pleased to announce the Semester Project Presentations that will take place in the Aula Magna on Thursday, December 21st from 2pm.
- Introduction (A. Carzaniga)
- Programming Fundamentals I (N. Nystrom)
- Software Atelier 1: Fundamentals of Informatics (G. Bavota)
- Software Atelier 3: The Web (C. Pautasso)
- Software Atelier 5: Field Project (M. Lanza, M. Prevostini)
- Computer Graphics (K. Hormann)
- User Experience Design (M. Landoni/M. Langheinrich)
- Mobile Computing (I. Elhart)
- FinTech Master: Ethereum and Blockchain (F. Pedone)
- Artificial Intelligence Cup (L. Gambardella)
- SWERC - Southwestern Europe Regional Contest (A. Carzaniga)