Visiting Alumni: Davide Guzzetti, Managing Director, Keros Digital
Servizio carriere
Data: 25 Ottobre 2021 / 12:30
L'USI Career & Alumni Service è lieto di invitarvi alla testimonianza di carriera nel corso di Online communication Design del USI Alumnus:
Davide Guzzetti, Managing Director, Keros Digital a Lugano. USI Degree: Master in Corporate Communication, 2009
Lunedì 25 ottobre 2021 dalle 12.30
Auditorium, Edificio principale, USI Campus Ovest
Anna Picco-Schwendener, Post-doc - Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society
Per iscriversi, scrivere a [email protected]
Online communication Design: The course analyzes the very concept and practices of design of hypermedia. It covers the full project lifecycle, from the very initial stages of user requirements elicitation and engineering, up to the definition of information architecture, design, and prototype production. Different strategies of user requirements’ elicitation will be presented, ranging from more formal ones – interviews, focus groups, etc. – up to more creative ones, entailing co- or participatory-design. In particular, a model called URL: User Requirements with Lego will be presented and discussed. The role of communication will be particularly emphasized, stressing how inadequate communication exchanges might be at the very origin of project failures.