MSc1-2 Architetture dell'Impero russo. Lezione di Alla Vronskaya


Accademia di architettura

Data: 9 Maggio 2022 / 10:45 - 13:00

MSc1-2 Architetture dell'Impero russo: 1815-2020

Docente: Elena Chestnova



Alla Vronskaya

The Design of Self: Work, Leisure, and Public Urban Landscape in the Soviet Union, c. 1930


Mercoledì 9 maggio 2022 ore 10:50

Palazzo Canavée, aula C3.88

Alla Vronskaya is the Professor of the History of Architecture and the Built Environment at Kassel University. Her research focuses on the history of theory of modern architecture and on the links between architecture and the sciences, as well as on the history of architecture in Russia and Eastern Europe. She will speak about the Soviet parks of culture and leisure - a chapter in her forthcoming book "Architecture of Life: Soviet Modernism and the Human Sciences" (University of Minnesota Press, May 2022), which explores the intersections between architecture, labour management, and human sciences in modern Russia.

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