Patrick Efinda Kaso, Supply & Logistics Specialist, Unicef


Servizio alumni

8 Aprile 2019

Diversi nostri laureati per aiutare gli attuali studenti e neolaureati ad orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro, hanno condiviso la storia della loro carriera. Ecco la storia di Patrick Efinda Kaso, Supply & Logistics Specialist in Unicef a Copenhagen (DK). USI Degree: Executive Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management, 2013

Come hai iniziato la tua carriera?

My mother infused in me various tips about stocks control and business management, like building stacks, stock card maintenance, petty cash count and managing teams. She was a business women and I used to helpher in her business during school holidays. My Journey to humanitarian Supply & Logistics Chain management started in September 1997 when I was offered my first job in an International NGO. I have worked for more than 15 years in the field of relief assistance closer to beneficiaries (affected populations), living in locations where population has been affected by various types of emergency situations (Civil unrest, natural disaster, cross border migration, war and socio-political crisis). I have gained experience working in several countries with International NGO (AICF, MSF-E, OXFAM-GB, Alisei Nuova Frontiera), and with United Nations agencies: World Food Programme and UNICEF.

Perché hai scelto di lavorare presso Unicef?

I choose to work for UNICEF because I simply believe in its mandate to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

In cosa consiste il tuo ruolo?

I  am  responsible  for  ensuring  supply  response  readiness  and  tools development  in  line  with  the  Emergency  Supply  Response  Strategy, Emergency preparedness levels appropriate to respond to emergencies inline with UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action. I am also periodically required to be deployed to field locations to establish Supply & logistics systems and to train UNICEF national staff and build local partners Supply & logistics capacity.

Quali sono, a tuo parere, le qualità necessarie per fare carriera in Unicef?

COURAGE, DETERMINATION, and PERSEVERANCE coupled to an inner PASSION. Because without the passion for the job, the job will simply be a headache for oneself or the pursuit of money.

Quali sono secondo te le caratteristiche/gli aspetti positivi dell'USI?

The learning I received at USI in the MASHLM has enable me to immediately apply in my daily work the tools and methodologies learned in class. I have made impact in supporting my organization set objectives.

Quali competenze e/o capacità acquisite durante il tuo percorso di studi all’USI sono risultate utili nella tua carriera professionale?

Ability to develop, formulate strategies and concepts related to Supply & Logistics Chain management.

Cosa potresti suggerire ad un neolaureato USI che deve entrare nel mondo del lavoro?

  • Passion: if there is no call, there is no vision.
  • Commitment: having a results-driven mind-set, coupled with a customer/client orientation.
  • Ambition: which will trigger a decision-making attitude and, thereafter, leadership.

Business Ideas 2024

Accademia di architettura, Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società, Facoltà di scienze biomediche, Facoltà di scienze economiche, Facoltà di scienze informatiche, Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano