BPMN in real life

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

Data: 20 Maggio 2020 / 15:30 - 17:00

Please note that given the updated Covid-19 restrictions, the Seminar will be held entirely online.
You can join here.

Enrico Gulfi, Città di Lugano

Città di Lugano’s long-term vision is to increase the quality of life, provide better, sustainable services and to improve governance. One of the ways it does this is by providing easily accessible, always available, user-friendly and transparent digital services. Following a recommendation from the Swiss Federal Government, Città di Lugano decided to adopt BPM as a framework for modelling and executing business processes and to build an egov platform centered around a BPM engine executing business processes.

In this talk I will motivate the choice of a BPM engine as a core component of our solution, provide a high-level description of the egov platform, summarize our experience after one year of operation and walk through a concrete process modeling example of a real service for citizens.

Enrico Gulfi has been working at the City of Lugano for almost 17 years, 11 of which as a Director of the IT department. Before that he worked as a Project Manger and Consultant between Zug and Chicago. He has also been one of the founders of an IT company in Zug. He has earned his diploma in computer science from ETH. He has two patent publications regarding broadcast transmissions. He is not only experienced software developer and project manager, but also business analyst, with extensive knowledge on business process modelling and improvement.

Host: Prof. Cesare Pautasso

