Career Management Workshop: "How to Transform Rejection into Resilience" with Career Service

Servizio carriere

Data: 5 Novembre 2024 / 12:30 - 13:30

L'USI Career Service presenta:

How to Transform Rejection into Resilience?

Rejection is an inevitable part of the job search process, very painful with possibly negative impacts, its antidote is resilience. Resilience is a crucial skill to build during career-building activities. The development of this ability makes it more likely to find a job in a shorter time.


Martedì 5 novembre 2024, dalle 12.30 alle 13.15

Aula A34, Palazzo rosso, Campus Lugano Ovest

Lingua: Italiano/inglese


Con la partecipazione di:

  • Prof. Rosalba Morese, Prof. e Career Counsellor, USI


Per partecipare iscriversi qui


Il seminario é parte degli incontri focalizzati sulla carriera chiamati Career management workshops: Prepara e gestisci la tua carriera