Swiss participation in new COST Actions

Servizio ricerca

8 Maggio 2018

On April 2018, 40 new COST actions have been approved by COST’s governing board. For 22 of the new actions Swiss participation to the Management Committees is still open. These actions are listed in the attachment.

COST Actions are flexible, fast, effective and efficient networking instrument for researchers, engineers and scholars to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities. COST does not fund research itself; in Switzerland research projects proposed by researchers participating in a COST Action are funded by the SNSF.

Each COST Action has an objective, defined goals and clear deliverables described in a Memorandum of Understanding. COST Actions are open to all research field and to all researchers, irrespective of their career stage.

Researchers interested in COST Actions may:

  1. Submit a proposal for a new COST Action
  2. Participate in an existing COST Action
  3. Submit a proposal for a research project related to a COST Action


  1. Submit a new COST Action

Proposals for new COST Actions must be submitted to COST in response to an open call. The next collection date for COST Actions is on 29 November 2018.
The proposal needs to be prepared jointly by researchers from at least seven COST member states, at least three of which need to be countries with low research intensity.


  1. Participate in a COST Action

Each country can nominate 2 representatives to the Management Committee (MC) of each COST Action.

If the 2 representatives are not yet nominated, contact the COST National Coordinator ([email protected]), who can officially nominate you as Swiss representative to the MC. If the representatives are already nominated you can contact the Action Chair for possible nomination by the Management Committee to a Working Group (WG).


  1. Submit a research project related to a COST Action

Calls for proposals are launched by the SNSF with the aim to support mainly young researchers who wish to participate in a COST Action to boost scientific cooperation and develop extensive networks across Europe. Project applicants will have to prove active participation in the COST Action.


For further information, please contact Ms. Dafne Pedrazzoli.