FET Open and FET Proactive info day (Brussels)

Servizio ricerca

Data d'inizio: 25 Gennaio 2016

Data di fine: 26 Gennaio 2016

The Research Executive Agency (REA) is organizing in cooperation with the Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG Connect) an Information Day on the calls for proposals to be launched in 2016 by the Future and Emerging Technologies Open (FET Open) and the topic 'Emerging themes and communities' of the FET Proactive schemes.

The information day will take place in Brussels, on Monday 25 January 2016.

The information Day will cover:

  • Presentation of the Horizon 2020 FET Open and FET Proactive schemes;
  • Information on how to prepare and submit a FET Open and FET Proactive proposal, on the evaluation process and on relevant evaluation criteria;
  • Experience sharing by a coordinator of a successful proposal;
  • Opportunity for a very short presentation by potential applicants on a novel idea for a proposal with the aim of identifying potential partners.

Registration is free. All sessions will be we-streamed and recorded and presentations will be published after the event.