SNSF Agora: modifications of the funding scheme

Servizio ricerca e trasferimento del sapere

24 Luglio 2017

The Agora scheme of the SNSF, aiming at fostering dialogue between scientists and society, has changed. Please find below and in the attached document the major changes.

  • New Submission deadline: Starting from 2017, applications can be submitted until 1st September, 17:00. Projects can start on 1st March of the following year at the earliest.
  • Eligibility: To promote young researchers and atypical profiles, the minimal work-time percentage required for applicants is lowered from 50 to 20% for Agora projects.
  • Rolling Call: Starting from February 2018, Agora proposals between CHF 5’000 and 50’000 may be submitted without deadlines.

Agora projects last up to 3 years and have a budget between CHF 5’000 and CHF 200’000.