New National Research Programme on digital change: NRP 77

Servizio ricerca e trasferimento del sapere

12 Ottobre 2018

The Federal Council has mandated the SNSF to run a new National Research Programme. It will focus on the opportunities and risks of digital change for society and the economy. The call for submission of research projects proposals is due to be launched in December 2018.

The new NRP on Digital Transformation has three aligned research modules:

  • Education, learning and digital transformation
    This module looks at the impacts of digitalization on education (content, skills and skills transfer), at life-long processes and at the institutions pertinent to education (e.g. teacher training). It aims to identify the opportunities, risks and challenges involved, and devise strategies for developing the education system successfully at all levels. Research in this module, conducted with the involvement of the cantons, which are responsible for education, may pertain to all facets of learning and education, from early childhood to later years; all types of education (formal and non-formal); and all levels of education and types of learning environment (compulsory schooling and upper secondary, vocational education and training, higher and continuing education, voluntary work).
  • Ethics, Reliability and Governance
    Central to this module are the ethical, organisational, legal and technical challenges involved in ensuring and building trust in digital services and digital infrastructure (e.g. conditions for reliable and secure physical data infrastructure). These challenges will be addressed with regard to specific fields (e.g. democratic processes, autonomous systems, cybercrime, data security, oversight, influencing other countries, employee protection) and in the light of the latest technological developments such as blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.
  • Digital Economy and the Labour market
    This module addresses the key interactions and effects of digital transformation on the economy (Swiss productivity and competitiveness) and the labour market. It looks at new digital markets, organisational forms and business models, and the impact of these on the world of work, the organisation and content of our work, and the opportunities, risks and challenges involved. It also considers the impact of these changes on various policy areas such as spatial development, mobility, health and the environment.

The programme will run for 5 years on a budget of 30 million Swiss francs. For further information, please contact Prof. Benedetto Lepori.