Swiss Space Roadshow: Be a star in ESA's universe

Servizio carriere

Data d'inizio: 13 Ottobre 2016

Data di fine: 14 Ottobre 2016

Are you fascinated by space ?
Would you want to launch a space career?
Are you looking for contacts with space specialists?
Are you interested in exploring new horizons?

If yes, then join us at out networking evening and get ideas about a career in the space domain. There, we will present and discuss space projects and enlarge your network during the apero.



Swiss Space Roadshow: Be a star in ESA's universe

October, 13th 2016

17.00 - 20.30, Room A-31
(Lugano campus)


Preliminary Program:

  • 17:00-18:00: Presentation of ESA and Swiss space professionals
  • 18:00-18:30: Panel discussion with different local industrial and research players active in the Swiss space sector
  • 18:30-20:00: Networking apéro by local industry and research institutions


Registration is free but mandatory. Please register here.
open until 5th of October 2016.