Career Story Live - USI Alumni: Federica Trevisan, Responsabile Ufficio comunicazione, Città di Lugano
Servizio carriere
Data d'inizio: 2 Maggio 2016
Data di fine: 3 Maggio 2016
During the diploma's ceremony for the Faculty of Communication Science, the USI Career & Alumni Service is glad to invite you to the presentation of the Career Story LIVE of:
Federica Trevisan
2 May 2016, 17.00
Aula Magna
Federica Trevisan, USI Alumni, Responsabile Ufficio comunicazione presso la Divisione Eventi e Congressi - Città di Lugano, Lugano
Lugano is a city of 65,000 people in the sub-alpine lake district at the very southern tip of Switzerland.
Over the last few decades, economic development and administrative reorganisation have allowed Lugano to free up the resources needed to promote new urban development projects; thanks to the establishment of Ticino University, the city now plays host to an array of specialised research institutes.